**CoLab Dudley convenes local people, doers and creatives of all kinds, to develop experiments and projects which invite collective imagination and cultural action. We call them Time Rebels.

This is a resource hub and repository for Time Rebels, collaborators and colleagues working with CoLab Dudley.

We are adding documentation from three Time Rebel Enquiries below:**

↗︎ Enquiry #1: Collective Imagination and Time Rebel Practices (October 2020 - September 2021)

↗︎ Enquiry #2: Dudley’s cultural ecosystem and place based social practice

↗︎ Enquiry #3: Rehearsing the Futures We Want (September 2022-December 2023)

NB. When we started this work we referred to the collective enquiries as missions. We’ve since used Vinnova’s Designing Missions handbook to inform our understanding of mission-oriented work and we now appreciate that our cycles of activities with Time Rebels constitute collective enquiries and sit within a wider mission around intergenerational justice and long-term thinking.

Documentation is shared below with the most recent first. Each gallery window title includes a symbol to indicate what type of documentation it is. Key: 💌 = an invitation | ⏳ = Time Rebel Sessions | 📷 = photo journal of an activity | 📝 = links to Lab Notes or reports | 💷 = experimental processes for utilising and distributing financial resource |

Collective Enquiry #3:

Rehearsing the Futures We Want


This collective enquiry began as we reached the end of a Summer of Creativity. add link** It was a year on from our initial foray into cultural sector intelligence, mapping of Dudley’s cultural ecosystem and analysis of data collated through an **engaged research and cultural animation process with local artists and creatives.

Arts Council England Cultural Compact investment enabled our convening of Time Rebels from September 2022, and by spring 2023 we had secured a £75,000 Projects Grant from Arts Council England, £50,000 match funding from Reaching Communities (National Lottery Community Fund) and £15,000 match funding from Creative Black Country. All of which enabled us to convene, provide space, support collaboration and learning, and invest in 29 local creatives to experiment, which led to 66 activities in summer 2024, involving 433 local residents.

This collective enquiry saw the introduction of our Seasonal Gatherings, and spanned five of them; from Winter 2022 to Winter 2023.

Mission #3

Collective Enquiry #2:

Dudley’s cultural ecosystem and place based social practice

Documentation to be added.

Collective Enquiry #1:

Collective Imagination and Time Rebel Practices

Documentation to be added.